"We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become." - David R. Hawkins
I love the quote above from David Hawkins. To me, it summarizes a great truth that I think we often lose site of.
In a world where social causes often garner a lot of attention, we forget that simply being ourselves has an enormous impact on those around us.
Can you recall a time where you had a positive impact on someone's life and you didn't even know it at the time? It wasn't because you rehearsed some grand speech and delivered it to them flawlessly, and it wasn't because you pushed and pushed and pushed them to change their way somehow. You were simply you, and you being you was powerful enough to inspire a change. It may have been a small change or it may have been a huge change. The size isn't important (and, frankly, it's relative). The important point is that part of your world was changed as a consequence of what you became!
Part of learning to walk in Power means trusting that the greater Presence around us is most capable of enacting change. This is not to say that there isn't a time to stand up on a soapbox and take a stand for something or someone. Nor is it to say that our mission is to never do difficult and/or sacrificial acts in order to facilitate change in our world. It is to say that when we do so, we do so out of Power - i.e. we do so because we are truly inspired to do so as opposed to doing so out of guilt or a feeling of "if I don't do this no one will".
The weight of the world is never meant to be placed squarely on our shoulders, and if we feel compelled to take an action out of shame or guilt or pride or anger, etc., I believe it does us well to stop and explore what that underlying driver is really all about. Remember, actions done out of force almost always result in more struggle and strife. Actions done in power result in healing and positive transformation.
What are you becoming today?